“Longs Peak from Trail Ridge Road”
9” x 12”
Media: acrylic on panel
Original in private collection
Long’s Peak is the highest mountain in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, with an elevation of 14,259 ft. The first recorded sighting of this mountain was made by Stephen Long’s surveying expedition in 1820, and is named after the expedition leader. The first recorded climb was made in 1868 by John Wesley Powell. The original painting was commissioned by the Colorado Recorder Orchestra director Rosi Terada. Her husband, Dr. James Terada organized a two-week performance tour in Japan for the orchestra in 2006. The orchestra presented this painting as a gift to Governor Saito of Yamagata
*The artist has some giclee’ prints in stock, contact artist for details.

“Pikes Peak from the Black Forest”
17 ½” x 36”
Media: acrylic on canvas
Original in private collection
Pikes Peak is the most visited mountain in North America, with an altitude of 14,110 feet above sea level. It is the farthest east of the big peaks in the Rocky Mountain chain, and provides a scenic backdrop to the city of Colorado Springs, on the southern front range of Colorado. The mountain’s namesake was Zebulon Pike. He was sent by President Jefferson in 1806, to determine the southwestern boarders of the Louisiana Purchase (1803). The first recorded accent was by Dr. Edwin Jones, who was part of the Long’s surveying expedition of the 1820’s. The view selected for this painting was inspired by Journal sketches made by members of the Long’s expedition, who sketched the mountain from the forested bluffs (now called the Black Forest), northeast of what became Colorado Springs (original in private collection).
*Giclee’ prints can be made, contact artist for details.

“Longs Peak from the Plains”
3’ x 5’
Media: acrylic on leather laced hanging canvas (dowel-weighted bottom) – backdrop style canvas
This acrylic painting is on a hanging canvas (dowel-weighted bottom) – backdrop style-canvas. The canvas is “leather-laced” around the edges. This original piece is for Sale, contact artist for more information

4’ x 6’
Media: acrylic on canvas
Original in private collection